Chapter 1: Mission and Vision

Our Identity: Who We Are

The Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University is an international center of scholarly and ministerial formation, with a faculty and student body consisting of lay men and women, Jesuits, clergy, and members of other religious orders. We are rooted in the Catholic and Ignatian tradition and engage in ecumenical, interfaith, and intercultural dialogue through the Graduate Theological Union.

Our Mission: What We Do

The Jesuit School of Theology educates scholars and ministers to serve the Church and society by enlivening faith, promoting reconciliation, laboring for justice, and participating in God’s mercy. We bring theology into dialogue with communities, with their particular histories and cultures, serving people and learning from them in a spirit of solidarity.

Our Vision: Where We Want to Go

The Jesuit School of Theology will offer an integrative, interdisciplinary theological education, blending intellectual and spiritual formation, to empower students and faculty to respond concretely to the hopes and needs of God’s people.

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